创造历史! 印度一次性发射104颗卫星!_万向娱乐
  • 创造历史! 印度一次性发射104颗卫星!_万向娱乐

创造历史! 印度一次性发射104颗卫星!_万向娱乐

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本文摘要:India last Wednesday created history by successfully launching 104 satellites in a single space mission, breaking the previous record of 37 satellites launched by Russiain 2014.印度于上周三建构了一个历史,在单次太空任务中顺利升空了104颗卫星,超越了俄罗斯2014年一箭37星的纪录。

India last Wednesday created history by successfully launching 104 satellites in a single space mission, breaking the previous record of 37 satellites launched by Russiain 2014.印度于上周三建构了一个历史,在单次太空任务中顺利升空了104颗卫星,超越了俄罗斯2014年一箭37星的纪录。The satellites were launched on board Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)-C37 from the spaceport of Sriharikota in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh at 9.28 a.m. local time and were successfully placed into the polar sun synchronous orbit 28 minutes later.当地时间早上9点28分,印度南部安得拉邦斯里赫里戈达岛的发射场,“极轨卫星运载火箭”C37火箭载有着104颗卫星升空,并于28分钟后顺利转入近于太阳实时轨道。The main passenger was Indias 714-kg Earth-mapping Cartosat 2 series satellite, capable of taking high-resolution images.此次升空主要配备的是印度一颗重达714公斤的地球测绘“Cartosat 2”系列卫星,该卫星需要获取高分辨率的图像。Out of the 104 satellites, all but three were from foreign countries. A total of 96 satellites belonged to the United States, while others were nano satellites from Israel, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UAE.在全部104颗卫星中,除了3颗其余全部来自国外。

共计96颗卫星归属于美国,而其他一些则是归属于以色列、哈萨克斯坦、荷兰、瑞士和阿联酋的小型卫星。Indian President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have congratulated the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for the successful launch.印度总统普拉斯特拉·慕克吉和总理纳伦德拉·莫迪都对印度太空研究局此次顺利的升空回应了祝贺。Nation is proud of this achievement, which has demonstrated, yet again, Indias increasing space capabilities. I urge ISRO to continue to strive for the progress of our space capabilities, the Indian president said in a series of tweets.印度总统在一系列推特中回应:“国家为这一成就深感自豪,这再度证明了印度与日俱增的太空能力。我强烈要求太空研究局之后获得我们国家在太空能力方面的变革。

”The prime minister tweeted: This remarkable feat by @isro is yet another proud moment for our space scientific community and the nation. India salutes our scientists.总理莫迪则放推特称之为:“太空研究局这个非凡的成就,是我们太空科研人员和整个国家的又一自豪。整个国家都向我们的科学家们缅怀。






