本文摘要:When Google decided it would stop complying with Chinese censorship, it cited a cyber attack originating in that country. “What at first appeared to be solely a security incident...was something quite different,” Google wrote. Five years later, most Googleservices remain blocked in China.当谷歌(Google)要求仍然因应中国审查制度时,该公司提及源于中国的一起网络攻击。
When Google decided it would stop complying with Chinese censorship, it cited a cyber attack originating in that country. “What at first appeared to be solely a security incident...was something quite different,” Google wrote. Five years later, most Googleservices remain blocked in China.当谷歌(Google)要求仍然因应中国审查制度时,该公司提及源于中国的一起网络攻击。“最初看起来全然的安全事件……到头来毕竟非常有所不同的情况,”谷歌写到。5年后,多数谷歌服务仍受到中国屏蔽。Apple experienced a significant cyber attack in China this week – bad timing, as the iPhone 6 just went on sale there. Apple has disclosed few details. The attack was serious enough that Tim Cook met a vice premier on Wednesday to discuss “protecting user information”, as the state news agency puts it. (He even wore a tie for the occasion.) It’s the latest of many setbacks, including state media campaigns against Apple and a delay in the iPhone 6 release. China is crucial for Apple: it accounted for more than a third of revenue growth in the last fiscal year. Without China, sales growth would have been below five per cent in five of the last six quarters.苹果(Apple)最近在中国遭遇根本性网络攻击——时机很差劲,因为iPhone 6刚好在中国发售。
苹果透露的细节很少。这次反击如此相当严重,以至于苹果CEO蒂姆库克(Tim Cook)上周三会谈了中国副总理马凯(那天库克甚至戴着上了一条领带)。官方通讯社称之为,双方辩论了“维护用户信息安全”问题。
这是众多挫折(还包括官方媒体协同声援苹果,以及iPhone 6发售延后)中的近期挫折。中国对苹果至关重要:在上一财年的营收快速增长中,中国市场的贡献多达三分之一。
若没中国,过去六个季度中有五个季度的销售快速增长将将近5%。Most companies blocked in China are in the information-sharing business (Twitter, Facebook). Apple’s position may appear simpler because it makes hardware. A seller of, say, fibre optic cable to China would not be accused of abetting violations of privacy, even if the calls and emails passing through that cable were monitored.在中国被屏蔽的多数企业专门从事信息分享业务(如Twitter和Facebook)。
苹果的情况或许看起来更加非常简单,因为它主要做到的是硬件。举例而言,向中国销售光缆的卖家会被指控助长侵害隐私不道德,即便通过光缆传输的通话和电子邮件受到监听。Apple is also a software company, however. Its privacy policies govern everything stored on the iCloud, such as users’ photos, contacts and text messages. Changes to encryption settings in Apple’s operating system means police can no longer access data stored in it, which will displease authorities in China just as it has in the US. Apple recently started storing some iCloud data on servers located in China. The data are encrypted, but also subject to Chinese law. Google concluded that operating a search business in China was incompatible with its principles. This week’s attacks show that Apple cannot avoid making its own hard choices about China.不过,苹果也是一家软件公司。它的隐私政策限于于存储在iCloud云服务中的所有内容,如用户的照片、通讯录和短信。